So I decided to write this to answer not just the question that everyone poses to me but also really to answer myself…what is gifted2give? And how does the blog foodFAITHfavourites come into the picture? The most popular question I’ve had is “Is it a non-profit
if you’ve read the about me page, you’ll get the gist of it. Honestly, it all started as just something I wanted to do as almost a “personal diary”, where I could write about the things I’m most passionate about- my faith, wellness in all its aspects-nutrition and good food, mental health and physical wellness in the form of exercise.
Somewhere along the line, it dawned on me that I loved encouraging others to do these things that I saw were benefiting me and I wanted to share all that I was learning. Through difficult times and challenges that I’ve been through and overcome, I’ve learned so much and have had people bless me with wisdom and knowledge. I wanted to share so much about all of this and how I overcame, what I had learned. As long as it would help someone get through a tough time too, as long as it could help someone hang in there a little longer, as long as it would bring comfort. And just like that, I realised one of my gifts- ENCOURAGEMENT! It fuels me so much and touches my heart so much when I see that something I’m doing or something I said to them has moved them to do something that improves them. or will benefit them, or knowing that I’ve uplifted someone from a low place. i talk more about these gifts in the next segment. Read on.
And so from here came the thought- well on what platform can I share all that I want to share without it being overly in the faces of others but also on a platform that would allow me to best express myself?? A BLOOOOOOG! YAAAAAAS…..! And so that is the idea behind foodFAITHfavourites– to encourage. And really also to have you guys hold me accountable because well the saying goes that we cannot convince others to do what we ourselves are not doing. So from the little I’ve gathered, to encourage and help you, in fact for us to help each other, with ideas for those healthy meals and share with you the benefits I’ve reaped. You too can reap so much from being mindful about what you eat, exercising and changing the way you think.
I aim to share my struggles on this journey of salvation and how God, His people and His word have helped me overcome and thus encourage you where I’ve been encouraged as we walk this Christian Journey. And the rest is history… 🙂 You are now on that blog… again, WELCOME BELOVED READER! God is good right?
So as I journey back into a routine of intentional exercise, fitness, wellness and continue to pursue spiritual maturity and keep a positive outlook to this rocky road of life, I hope that this time I can take a few with me. ‘Cause we’re all doing this life thing together aren’t we??
The rest of this week is going to share a lot about the beginning of it all…the core of it all- the journey to loving exercise, the journey to my salvation, the journey to loving everything food and nutritious! So stay tuned…you’re about to see the most vulnerable parts of me!
YOUR GIFTT MATTERS! My vision is to move and encourage YOU to ask yourself what your passion is, what your gifts are, and then pursue them and give and share of them as best as you can, because therein lies your purpose! WHAT ARE YOU NATURALLY GREAT AT?!
Here’s where the foundations come from.
For the longest time, I was shy, or should I say fearful, about some of my gifts. I’ll use a personal example through my vocation- being a doctor. For the longest time I was in such a place of conflict about eventually reaching the destination- graduating as a doctor. Yes, it felt good and like an accomplishment and I was really proud of myself- but at the very same time I felt so insecure , or should I say inadequate. This was because I saw how people esteemed Drs so much, and really I didn’t feel worthy of all of that. I went from being a mere student to to this well respected, “your-highness-Dr Dee.” I was blessed with just so much priviledge at such an early age in my life.
It wasn’t until internship really started and the long hours of non-stop working , walking, no sleep started to take their toll on me…and I was like ….aaaah mara God! Kanti this is what comes with all that blessing?? I had to give of myself in ways unimaginable!
It was then that I began to forget about the “image” that comes with being a
The best part however, is that I get to apply my other passions that give me so much fulfilment at the same time – I get to encourage someone everyday, I get to talk to someone about changing their lifestyle, to embarking on exercise now and again. I get to advise someone abut healthier food choices. I get to speak positivity over someone once in a while. Every day, Im presented with an opportunity to apply my innate passions and gifts. And this is what gives me purpose and the greatest fulfillment in the job! My grind is a gift!- “The gift in the grind!”- Steven Furtick
So there it is, as in the video linked above ; in our brokenness, our challenges and most difficult times, are gifts too! In all its difficulty, I realised the gift of being a doctor 1)- came with a lot of responsibility and 2) that it was NOT ABOUT ME. I began to embrace all of it. I began to realise that my job was a gift, one that came with many blessings, but also one that I had to take much responsibility for in stewarding it.
And so it began to dawn on me that; that is what EVERY gift I have is about, IT IS NOT ABOUT ME. Yes, my gift and passion may benefit me, but ultimately my gift is for the edification unto OTHERS. How can I use this gift to serve? So now the question becomes, actually, what ARE my gifts? And once I know these gifts, am I using them (appropriately in their season) as best I can as something God has entrusted me with?
I’m realising that the beauty of our gifts when in their true purpose, is that we don’t have to try hard for them to be beneficial to others- they just are. The evidence is of this gift is often shown by how people respond or the impact created. People thank you unexpectedly and relentlessly for this. And this becomes your giving. This becomes the Glory of God’s creation of this magnificent gift in you!
My wish is to really encourage you to use your gifts diligently where you are, put them out there for people to see, not in arrogance, but in aim be of value and edification. This is your giving, through what you have, your gifts,. YOU’re gifted… to give.
Please check out my
What are your thoughts on our gifts? Please comment and share thoughts around this post as well! Love and light !
P.S: Comment with your thoughts, your gift and I’ll give you a free gifted2give T-shirt branded with your gift … so that the whole world can see what you’re great at!
Thankfulness to my father who stated to me about this
weblog, this blog is really amazing.
Hello I really wish I had a more personal name to use, but I guess this shall do for now.
Wow, so honored to have you on my blog. Welcome!
Thank you for taking the time to read and have a look at my blog. Thank you for this encouragement. Grateful to our Father who directed you here, and I pray you may find out why and get more and more of it.
I have checked out your site and can’t seem to get in touch, I’m hoping we can somehow get in touch or I can somehow follow your web page?
I look forward to seeing more of you and your comments here.
Much Love